The classic Seinfeld episode "The Dinner Party" aired in 1994, and helped launch Utica Halfmoons on the map nation wide. I'm not talking black and white cookies, the classic episode featured a big puffy halfmoon.

Even though Jerry refers to it as a black and white cookie, we all know the truth- These are Utica style halfmoons. Just look at it. Black and Whites are small cookie garbage. Halfmoons are massive. Either way, let's roll the tape:

From the episode clip, it looks like Jerry enjoyed.

Jerry eats a black and white cookie, on which he bases theories on race relations."

Very true, the cookie appears throughout the entire episode. But, in real life did he actually enjoy them?

Back in 2017, apparently we all were asleep at the wheel in Central New York. In an episode of "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee," Jerry drove and chatted with Lewis Black in a black Cadillac. It was this episode that the ugly truth came out, Jerry wasn't a fan of the halfmoon.

When they go to a bakery and Black says he does not like the black-and-white cookie, Seinfeld is taken aback. He is well aware of his association with that cookie, acting almost insulted that Black did not immediately pick up on the Seinfeld reference. Granted, that scene’s bigger shock is that Seinfeld doesn’t even like black-and-white cookies!"

Wait, did The Come Back word that right, he doesn't even like them? Seinfeld helped to popularize the "black and white" cookie in the 90s. In reality, Seinfeld confesses that he hates the cookie which Lewis Black wholeheartedly agrees with.

Apparently these boys need to take the trip to Utica and eat the real deal.

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