Pastor Mel Farmer is once again seeking "Angels of Love" in our area to help donate Thanksgiving turkeys and Christmas hams to those in need this holiday season.  Last year his efforts resulted in 150 of each being given out.

If you know someone who could use a holiday turkey or ham this year just send Mel a card at the address below.  Also, if you would like to donate to this worth and longstanding area tradition any dollar amount would be greatly accepted. Please get all donations in 5 days before Thanksgiving and 5 days before Christmas.

And remember you can listen to Mel's Inspiration Time and Gospel Hymns Request Time on Sundays on WDOS, WDLA in Walton and soon on WCHN in Norwich.  His TV program is on Channel 27 and 23 in Oneotna on Sundays.

Won't you be an "Angel of Love" this year?

Send to:
Gospel Hymns

PO BX 29

West Davenport, NY 13860

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