Police Crackdown On Seat Belt Use In State Parks
It doesn't matter how fast you're going, buckle up in your vehicle when in a state park according to New York State Police. Officers will be cracking down on those not using seat belts in parks to promote safety in a campaign called "BUNY in the Parks", to ensure that visiting motorists and their passengers properly buckle-up their seat belts while travelling inside state parks, and to teach the importance of properly securing our youngest visitors in approved child safety seats. This year’s campaign will be held from Saturday, July 13, 2019 to Monday, August 12, 2019.
Since New York State became the first state in the nation to enact a primary seat belt law, effective January 1, 1985, countless lives have been saved. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) has data that shows that of the 794 children that were killed in fatal crashes in 2017, 37% were unrestrained. This demonstrates the need for more awareness on seatbelt safety and an increase in law enforcement.
If you are unfamiliar with current seat belt laws, see below...
- In the front seat, the driver and each passenger must wear a seat belt, one person per belt. The driver and front-seat passengers aged 16 or older can be fined up to $50 each for failure to buckle up.
- Every occupant, regardless of age or seating position, must use a safety restraint when riding with driver who has a junior license or learner permit.
- Each passenger under age 16 must wear a seat belt or use an appropriate child safety restraint system. The restraint system must comply with the child height and weight recommendations determined by the manufacturer. Depending on the size of the child, the restraint system may be a safety seat or a booster seat used in combination with a lap and shoulder belt.
- The driver must make sure that each passenger under age 16 obeys the law. The driver can be fined $25 to $100 and receive up to three driver license penalty points for each violation.
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