So this is what it's come to for Dan Rather.

The longtime CBS newsman has covered elections, wars and any other major news event you can think of. Now, he's sitting down with BuzzFeed to explain popular internet jargon.

From "lit" to "dad bod" to "thirsty," the venerable journalist gives his (incorrect) definitions to words, phrases and acronyms that make the internet, well, the internet.

About the only way it would be funnier is if fellow TV news anchor Brian Williams did the video and he told some classic -- and fictional stories -- about how he was there when each term was coined.

Rather's clip is like the 21st century version of trying to get your dad to figure out how to use the VCR. Come to think of it, maybe there should be a video where Dan Rather tries to explain the proper way to operate his DVR. We get the feeling that would be pretty entertaining.

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