Halloween is fast approaching but what is more scary is that you still have to come up with costumes for the kids! Never fear, easy, do-it-yourself, Halloween costumes ideas are here.
So I am in my kitchen pretending to be a gourmet chef, making noodles for a pasta salad. I always seem to have the same problem...the water boils over the top. Sure, I could use a bigger pot to help prevent this, but then I have to wash a bigger pot...
I really want to try this "do it yourself" project. Making hardwood floors out of plywood. I love the old rustic look which is great because it isn't supposed to be perfect. I can totally make something that is not perfect!
Many reports confirm that ticks are a bigger problem than ever and that despite the frigid winter temperatures, the tick population is thriving. With that comes a greater concern of Lyme Disease being spread by the increased number of ticks. We can take some preventative measures to help keep our yards protected from the pesky critters.
Coffee drinkers, don't throw those coffee grounds in the trash. There are a number of ways reuse them. From cleaning, repelling, and deodorizing, check out how you can reuse those grounds:
Join Oneonta World of Learning (OWL) this Saturday, March 15, 2014 for March Musical Madness. A morning of hands on musical exploration at the Anderson Center for the Arts at Hartwick College, Oneonta, New York. Drop in anytime between 10am and 12pm with a kid-centric concert at noon.
Looking for something to do with the kids over winter break? Oneonta World of Learning, (OWL), has extended their hours this week. OWL is a hands-on learning center that offers children a chance to explore science, arts, music and more with interactive play.
This Saturday, February 1, 2014, step back in time at Hanford Mills Museum at the annual Ice Harvest Festival. Walk out on the frozen mill pond and help cut blocks of ice and move them for storage all while using historic tools. It kind of reminds me of the beginning to the movie Frozen.