So it is no surprise to any of the listeners that Eric Malanoski is a die hard Seattle Seahawks fan.  Also no surprise to the listeners, is his habit of having a daily comment about my shirts.  Last week I figured I would have a little fun and posted a picture on Facebook.


Well, turns out that Eric can dish it but he can't take it.  As any true fan would, he became defensive and found it hard to speak to me.  Even though he was half kidding, I felt bad, so I decided to apologize:


It took a few days, but he recovered and we are buds again.  He is very passionate about the Seahawks and apparently he is not alone.  Eric sent me a link so I would understand what it really means to be a Seahawks fan and the lengths you go to, to represent that love:

Facebook JaneG. Photography
Facebook JaneG. Photography

Yes, Janna and Ryan Willmaser incorporated their love for the Seahawks into their special day.  Even the vows included the team.  Okay, Eric, I get it!  You and a few other people love the Seahawks and I will try not  to tease you anymore about it.  Now about my shirt today...

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