Tips For Giving Yourself an At Home Haircut
Tips For Giving Yourself an At Home Haircut
Tips For Giving Yourself an At Home Haircut
Most of us are due for a haircut at this point, and men are most likely struggling the most. Salons are not considered essential under Governor Little's stay-at-home orders, so if you feel the need to give yourself a trim, here's some advice.
Easy DIY Costume Ideas for Kids [Videos]
Easy DIY Costume Ideas for Kids [Videos]
Easy DIY Costume Ideas for Kids [Videos]
Halloween is fast approaching but what is more scary is that you still have to come up with costumes for the kids!  Never fear, easy, do-it-yourself, Halloween costumes ideas are here.
Easy Fix For Scratched-Up Furniture!
Easy Fix For Scratched-Up Furniture!
Easy Fix For Scratched-Up Furniture!
Life is rough on furniture, there's no doubt about it! And if you have kids and buy a new piece of wood furniture, you can expect it to look fairly scratched and dinged up within a few years.  I found that out the hard way. But there is hope for that worn-looking wood furniture, a way to help diminish the wear and tear that takes place
Friday Flashback Vanilla Ice Ice Baby [Videos]
Friday Flashback Vanilla Ice Ice Baby [Videos]
Friday Flashback Vanilla Ice Ice Baby [Videos]
It was the fall of 1990.  I was heading into my senior year of high school at Laurens Central School.  There was a song that everyone was singing and dancing to.  There was a style of hair cut that many boys tried to carry.  It was a fever caused by artist Vanilla Ice and his number one hit, "Ice Ice Baby".
Art on a Budget
Art on a Budget
Art on a Budget
One of the delights of being a twenty-something is the constant state of being practically broke. But just because I don't have a lot of disposable income to spend on expensive art pieces doesn't mean my apartment is bare.

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