And somehow my belt is getting shorter... My goal was to lose some weight in this time but it seems every day is opposite day!

So the President announced today that the social distancing guidelines have been extended through the end of April. This means, once it's all over, I'm going to be super pale and noticeably heavier if I don't make some sort of plan to not double in size.

I will say, I'm all for it, and I'll do whatever I can to stop the spread and save some lives. I keep saying I'm going to eat healthy and go for walks, but all of our quarantine food is either pasta or frozen pizzas and stuff, and now, legitimately, my belt had to move up a notch, and my button up shirts look very stressed when I'm sitting.

I've taken some action though, we purchased a rower on Amazon that got here last week. Have we used it yet? No, not really, but it's a great way to exercise indoors without having any contact with other people.


The other idea is that I'm going to try and make a run around my neighborhood daily. The weather is PERFECT for running right now, and I think I'd feel pretty good about it if I could push through the initial painful first few weeks and get to the part where I've got a bit of a stride going.

Now, I need to figure out the food part cause all these carbs are truly what I believe are making my expand right now. What are you doing to get/stay in shape?

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