The Sidney Central School Alumni Association has found a brand new home for their headquarters.  Their former location at the Sidney Civic Center (once a Sidney school) no longer was available so they have moved into the Pearl Street Elementary School, built in 1950.  The new Alumni Room provides meeting space, exhibit area and work stations for those to do school research.

Doug Sheldon, President of the Sidney Alumni Association said:  "We are thrilled at our new home.  Being at Pearl Street School is a culmination of our efforts to forge an association with the school system.  Our alumni group is large and active and we have sought to have a newer, more vibrant connection with the school.  Already our alumni group wholeheartedly supports many of Sidney School's sports programs, our Alumni Wall of Fame member plaques are now on display in the halls, we coordinate annually with the school on presenting a very exciting Career Day and we feel very lucky to now have our group here at one of Sidney's great schools.  It is symbolic of our vibrant group's relationship with our school system in Sidney."

Doug Sheldon's parents were both long-serving members of the SHS faculty.  His mother, Emma Belle, taught in Sidney for 25+ years, and his father, Ray, taught for around 30 years.  I asked Sheldon what his parents would think about this new merger of the alumni group with Pearl Street School.

They would both say, "Sensational!" he replied.

At a gala ribbon cutting ceremony to "christen" the new Alumni Room on Friday, Sidney Mayor Andy Matviak remarked:  "I think this is exciting for both the alumni association as well as for the village Sidney as a whole.  The Sidney Alumni Association brings hundreds of people back to their hometown every year and I totally support their efforts on the  school's behalf.  I talk to many people from all over the place and they just cannot believe what the Sidney alumni folks have done for this town.  We are very proud to have them here at Pearl Street School.  And we invite everybody to come and see all of the artifacts and memorabilia!"

The new Sidney Alumni Room at Pearl Street School in Sidney.
The new Sidney Alumni Room at Pearl Street School in Sidney.
Many shelves and display cases exhibit Sidney school memorabilia.
Many shelves and display cases exhibit Sidney school memorabilia.
School time memories will live on in this new Alumni Room.
School time memories will live on in this new Alumni Room.
There is a large display of old Sidney sports and band uniforms as well as letter sweaters and cheer leading outfits from the past.
There is a large display of old Sidney sports and band uniforms as well as letter sweaters and cheer leading outfits from the past.


Greg Davie, SHS 1976, shows off his 9th grade letter sweater that he received from Principal Bernard Theobald for Davie being the "most active student."
Greg Davie, SHS 1976, shows off his 9th grade letter sweater that he received from Principal Bernard Theobald for Davie being the "most active student."
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There are many great old class photos of trips to Washington DC in the 1930s and 1940s
There are many great old class photos of trips to Washington DC in the 1930s and 1940s
The Sidney Alumni Association Board of Directors
The Sidney Alumni Association Board of Directors


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