Oh You Little Stinker! [Poll][Videos]
It was dark and foggy on my way to work this morning. But even though it was hard to see too far ahead, my spidey senses told me to slow down. Glad I did because out of the fog crawled a walking stink bomb, a skunk. I missed it, thankfully. That is a smell that stays with you and once it is in your nostrils, you are in for a long day.
Have you noticed how every skunk seems to have a different stripe? This one had the full white stripe from head to tail tip but it was way off center. Kind of cool. This little guy got me thinking more about skunks on the way in. Being a skunk, I think, is the only reason it is okay to have total body odor. Unless you want to keep people away from you. And what about famous skunks?
Two skunk celebrities come to mind. Flower, the sweet, little skunk from Bambi and the french, romancer, Pepe Le Pew. Both have perfect stripes and seem quite lovable. But which one is the ultimate skunk? Let me know, watch the videos and take our poll: