Your Father was Wrong — You Won’t End Up in China By Digging that Hole in the Yard
Your Dad is a liar! A big, fat liar whose pants are probably on fire.
Thanks to an unassuming website, you can spend five seconds seeing exactly where you'll end up if you dig through the center of the Earth.
Remember when you were a kid -- or maybe you still are one -- and you'd find yourself standing by the globe in the history room? Then you'd take your little finger, find about where your house was and try to line it up on the other side of the globe.
Or was that just me?
Anyway, what you were doing was finding the antipodal point -- or, something like that. Well, thanks to Google Maps and this website, you can see exactly where you'd end up if you dug through the center of the Earth!
We folks in central New York don't have a lot of excitement on our polar opposite end of the planet, unless you like swimming away from sharks. We'd end up off the southwest coast of Australia in the southern portion of the Indian Ocean.