‘CLICK’ Program Aims to Get Oneonta College Students Excited About Chemistry
Deeper student engagement with the sciences is just a “CLICK” away, thanks to a new partnership between faculty members at Oneonta's two colleges.
Three chemistry faculty members from SUNY Oneonta and Hartwick College will collaborate on a new, grant-funded project to get students excited about chemistry by connecting their work in the classroom with everyday life. The National Science Foundation has awarded a $199,777 Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM Program grant to the Research Foundation of SUNY on behalf of SUNY Oneonta in support of “CLICK: Color and Light to Improve Chemical Knowledge.” The proposal was among only approximately 125 awarded grants in response to 1,050 proposals reviewed.
Students will explore connections between everyday life experiences and subject matter learned in chemistry courses through a series of increasingly complex activities, ranging from using cameras and hand-held UV lamps to explore fluorescent and phosphorescent properties of common household materials to designing experiments to investigate their surroundings.
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