The financial disclosure forms filed by members of the State Senate and Assembly are now available online and for the first time publicly reveal the values of outside financial interests as well as certain clients legislators may have.

Pursuant to the Public Integrity Reform Act of 2011, all financial disclosures filed in 2013 by elected officials in State government must be published on the Joint Commission's website at

While most disclosure statements are due to be filed with the Joint Commission by May 15, members and staff of the Legislature must first file with the Legislative Ethics Commission which then has through June 30 to turn them over to the Joint Commission for public disclosure.

Before this year, under law, the values of public officials' outside financial interests were redacted from public disclosure. Now, the values for items such as outside income, real estate holdings, and stocks and bonds for filers and their spouses will be publicly disclosed within a limited range, as they are required to be reported.

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