Is it me or is there a bumper crop of squirrels in Oneonta, NY?  I think I am hosting the mac daddy of squirrel playgrounds right in my backyard.  I have actually lost count of how many I have. 

Now normally, I enjoy wildlife of all kinds, but I am now in a battle with my backyard squirrel population over my vegetable garden.  I am remembering why I was very hesitant over the years to venture into growing vegetables: squirrels are enjoying nabbing my zucchinis!  The really annoying part is that they only take two bites out of it and leave the chewed on prize in your yard as an insult.  I worked hard to grow that! At least have the courtesy to eat it all.

Needless to say, I have covered all my plants with deer netting to keep out the critters.  So far, so good.  You'd better believe I'm keeping a wary eye on my veggies though.  I know how crafty squirrels can be when they want something.

It turns out that your average Gray Squirrel will live about five years, so I guess I have to put up with squirrels galore in my yard for a while, oh, that's until the next batch takes over.  If you want some more interesting facts about squirrels, CLICK HERE.  It's hard not to respect them since they're so clever.

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