Southwest Employee Goes to Infinity and Beyond to Get Buzz Lightyear Back Home
A lost toy, a heartbroken boy and an employee who goes to infinity and beyond makes for a story that'll touch your heart.
Hagen left behind his little buddy Buzz Lightyear on a Southwest Airlines flight. By the time his family noticed Buzz was missing, the plane was already on the way to its next destination. At its final destination in Little Rock, Arkansas, Jason, a Ramp Agent, found Hagen’s lost buddy.
"Jason knew someone was missing their friend badly, so he began some investigating to discover who he belonged to," Southwest shared on Facebook.
Luckily, the family had written Hagen's name on the bottom of Buzz's boot. "With the help of Beth, his Coheart, Jason learned there was only one Hagen who had traveled on that aircraft that day."
Instead of just returning Buzz in a box, or having someone else do it, Jason came up with a plan - to send Buzz on a epic mission before going back home.
Hagen received a hand-decorated box in the mail a few days later with his little lost buddy inside.
Jason went above and beyond, including a letter describing Buzz's mission at Southwest Airlines and pictures of his adventure.
“There’s definitely not enough good in this world, and for someone to take the time out of their day to do that for strangers means the world to us," said Hagen’s mom Ashley.
We've left behind many things while travelling and not once has anything ever been returned. Not even when we called and asked.
Ironically, we are flying Southwest for our next vacation. I can only hope we come across employees like Jason on our journey. The world needs more just like him.