Otsego County Newly Proclaimed as ‘Purple Heart County’
With Memorial Day coming right up, The Otsego County Board of Representatives just passed a resolution proclaiming Otsego County as a “Purple Heart County”. This proclamation gives due respect and admiration to past and present members of the military but especially the many in our county who have received Purple Heart medals. The significance of this medal award according to purpleheart.org is that this combat medal is given to U.S. members of the armed forces who are "wounded by an instrument of war in the hands of the enemy". In the event that a member of the military is killed in action, the medal is then given to the next of kin. The Purple Heart decoration originated through a veterans organization now known as the “Military Order of the Purple Heart” in 1932.
The proclamation can be seen below and it was authored by county board representatives Meg Kennedy, Michelle Catan, Jennifer Mickle, Andrew Marietta, and Jill Basile.
See the resolution below...
WHEREAS, the people of Otsego County have great respect, admiration,
and the utmost gratitude for all the men and women who have selflessly served
their Country and this County in the Armed Forces; and
WHEREAS, Otsego County seeks to honor those individuals who have paid
the high price for freedom and placed themselves in harm’s way for the good of
all; and
WHEREAS, the contributions and sacrifices of the men and women of
Otsego County who served in the Armed Forces have been vital in maintaining
the freedoms and way of life enjoyed by our citizens; and
WHEREAS, many citizens of our County have received the Purple Heart
Medal as a result of being wounded or killed while engaged in combat with an
enemy force, construed as a singularly meritorious act of essential service; and
WHEREAS, June 1, 2022, has officially been designated as the day in Otsego
County to remember and recognize veterans who are recipients of the Purple
Heart Medal; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Otsego County Board of Representatives hereby proclaims Otsego County as a Purple Heart County, so designated, honoring the
service and sacrifice of our nation’s men and women in uniform, wounded or
killed by the enemy, while serving to protect the freedoms enjoyed by all

Coming up on June 1 and prior to the Otsego County Board Meeting, at 9:30 am, as the Board of Representatives shares the Otsego County Purple Heart County proclamation, board members would like to honor men and women who were wounded or died in military action fighting for our country. Those who have been awarded a Purple Heart or a family representative of an individual who has received one, are invited to attend this special ceremony to be recognized. Any questions can be directed to Representative Rick Brockway at 607-437-5524.
We salute all of our veterans and wholeheartedly appreciate the sacrifices made for our country and the freedoms we enjoy today!
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