As confirmed COVID-19 cases come in, you may notice that no names of those individuals are released. There are reasons for that as explained by David Bliss, Otsego County Board of Representatives Chairman:

"Otsego County will not be releasing any information about those who have positive COVID 19 tests other than what is included in the daily press release. This release will include the number of those who test positive and deaths to the extent the Public Health Director knows of them. At any given time, additional people could have tested positive or died that have not as yet been reported to the Public Health Director.

Because of our small population, release of more information may lead to identification of the individual and violate their privacy rights during what is a difficult time for them and their families.

During this outbreak, please remember that you are SAFER AT HOME. Assume that you and everyone else may be infected and act accordingly.

Remind family, friends and neighbors that they are SAFER AT HOME and that all of us must be diligent in following the precautions:
- Wash your hands often and for at least 20 seconds
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
- Avoid physical contact like handshakes and hugs
-Keep a 6 foot distance between yourself and others When out in public
- Stay home if you feel sick
- Avoid large crowds
- Abstain from unnecessary travel

For more information see CDC website at"

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