It’s Been A Strange Spring (So Far)
This past weekend should have been one of the most fun weekends of the year for me. With camping season traditionally beginning on May 1st, and that date being on Friday, it would have meant a nice 3 day weekend to open up camp, get everything back on and in order in my camper, mow the lawn and put out all the lovely pink flamingo lawn ornaments in my yard. And add to that the fact that Saturday and Sunday were both sunny and warm.
At this time, the campground is scheduled to open this weekend. Just in time for lower than normal temperatures, and a possibility of rain and/or snow. Wonderful.
But, this past weekend I made good use of the nice weather and tended to my home's lawn. The grass is growing like wildfire. I just mowed last week, but it was time to do it all again. So, I decided to lower the wheels on my push mower to get a finer cut, and maybe I won't have to mow as often.
That didn't work so well. My mower is now too close to the ground and I'm running into problems pushing it on the uneven, root infested lawn. It was worth a try.
I have a small pond in my backyard, and last week, I replaced the pond heater with the pond pump to get the water flowing over the waterfall again. This past weekend, I decided it was time to begin feeding the goldfish again. They came up to the surface looking at me as if to say "Hey dumb human, it's been six months since you last fed us..get to it!" And so I did. I'm not sure, but I think one of them gave me the fin. Yea, just remember who feeds ya everyday, Goldy!
And, how was your weekend?
PHOTOS: Family Brings Ranch Animals to Visit Residents of Assisted Living Center