Maybe we don't want to know... but something questionable DEFINITELY happened on this mattress.


It was another Marketplace rabbit hole kind of morning. My AM routine often involves cruising Facebook Marketplace for weird and unusual items while I pour caffeine down my throat.

I'm not sure how the Facebook algorithm chose to bring this mattress to my attention, but it sure did. And now I can't un-see it:

seller David Weinberg on Facebook Marketplace
seller David Weinberg on Facebook Marketplace

What exactly happened here? Nothing good, that's for sure.

The seller is quick to point out in the description that "There is a stain, but the other side is clean." It Sorta begs the question of why they didn't post a picture of the non-stained side, but hell, they're the entrepreneur, not me.


Look, maybe you're not as picky as I am. Perhaps you're looking at this mattress and thinking, "What a steal! I could have a hellish nightmare or two on THAT beauty!" It's full-size, so it should fit in most underground torture dungeons quite nicely.

In case you're interested in picking up this horror for yourself, or perhaps for someone you hate, you can check out the original listing here. 

Interested in more gross furniture? Check out the worst used couches for sale on Facebook Marketplace:

The Worst Used Couches for Sale in CNY on Marketplace

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