Dan and I read our palms today and think we are both a little troubled. I'm apparently an emotional person who thinks with my gut, while Dan's rational, composed, calculated, but is missing one of the lines.

Let's take a closer look at those lines:

Tracie's Hand

The first line we can look at is the Heart Line (1). It can be read in either direction, from the pinkie to index finger or vice versa. This line allegedly indicates emotional stability. The more exaggerated the curve, the more of an emotional mess you are.

Next is the head line (2), which represents intellectualism and learning desire. The more curvacious, the more creative and spontaneous you are. A straight line indicates practicality and rigidity.

If you're following along, this means I'm an emotional risk taker. Gosh!

The third line is the lifeline (3) -- the one you've probably heard most about. It shows physical health and life changes. Contrary to what you may have heard, its length is no indication of your life expectancy. If it's long and deep like mine, it means you have vitality. If you have more than one, it's even more vitality!

Finally, the fourth line, which Dan doesn't have, is the fate line (4). A deep line means fate runs your life. If it breaks and changes direction, you are prone to life alterations out of your control. I could not find a meaning if you don't have one.

Look at Dan's hand! We couldn't be more opposite!

Dan's Hand

The basic reading here is that Dan is boring (Just kidding!). He uses reason and rationality to make decisions.

His life line is especially curved, which indicates he has plenty of energy (young Buck!). Since it also achieves a semicircle, he also is filled with strength and enthusiasm.

However, there's no fate line. I assume this only means he has absolutely no belief in fate.

But then he says things like, "Serendipity is a great movie!"

Who knows? Send in your palm photos and we may feature it in a future post.

Learn how to read your palm and tell us what you find in the comments below!

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