‘Love Should Not Hurt’ Reminds Opportunities For Otsego On Valentine’s Day
Here we are on Valentine's Day - a day to celebrate love of all kinds but sometimes, what we think is love, isn't love at all and it's important to recognize the signs of emotional abuse which takes place because the abuser wants to gain power and control over another. Emotional abuse is a much more subtle form of abuse and can be difficult to recognize.
Opportunities For Otsego's Violence Intervention Program which is one of the many programs serving the Otsego County community and based in Oneonta, NY, has a mission to help anyone who is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, and violent crimes. The program, during the pandemic, is offering virtual and telephone services. OFO's mission in this program is simple: to help victims of violence and abuse find their way to safety and they do it in a variety of ways which you can find out about here.
One of the program's most immediate forms of assistance to someone in a dangerous situation is a 24-hour crisis hotline is offering 24/7 to help people at 607-432-4855. If there is a life-threatening situation, it's best to dial 9-1-1.
When it comes to emotional abuse and how to recognize it, OFO put this wonderful reminder on social media in celebration of Valentine's Day, just to educate people on what love ISN'T.
Now that you know what love isn't, I hope you are able to fully enjoy the sentiment behind Valentine's Day which isn't just for lovers. It's a day that reminds us to express love in some way to family, friends, and even our pets. After all, why not?
For those looking for services in Delaware County, the "Safe Against Violence" program provides similar services. Contact Delaware Opportunities with a 24/7 hotline at 1-866-457-7233.