United Way Mass Food Distribution In Oneonta Has Time Change
The United Way of Delaware & Otsego Counties has been working hard on their mission to stamp out hunger and their Mass Food Distribution Program has been a huge success thanks to partnering with Northern Eagles Beverages (distribution site) and area volunteers who help to sort and pack the food.
On the last Wednesday of each month, anyone can come who is in need of food to the Mass Food Distribution at the Northern Eagle Beverages warehouse at 41 Browne Street starting at a new time, 10:00 a.m. until the food is gone. It's first come, first served. Please enter Browne Street from Rt. 205 only.
Valerie Adams, the program's coordinator says that this important program could not take place without the collaboration with Northern Eagle Beverages who donates their warehouse for the distribution of food and all the volunteers that help out that day.
To find out more about the Mass Food Distribution Program visit www.unitedwaydo.org or Call The United Way of Delaware & Otsego Counties at 607-432-8006.
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