In his new book 'Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief,' author Lawrence Wright discusses one of the most well-known Scientologists in Hollywood -- poster boy Tom Cruise.

If the content is to be believed, Cruise has a desire to be the first Scientologist President of the US. But of course that's being denied by everyone in Tom's camp, who are probably busily drafting lawsuits as we speak.

According to the book, excerpts of which were made available by the Hollywood Reporter, Cruise once met with President Bill Clinton, a member of UK Prime Minister Tony Blair's team and a few members of President George W. Bush's entourage -- all in the name of causes important to Scientology. Like maybe renaming the earth Teegeeack.

After the meeting with Bush's team, Cruise supposedly bragged to the head of the "church," David Miscavige, saying, "If f--ing Arnold can be governor, I could be president."

And Miscavige responded, "Well, absolutely, Tom," because a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, aliens decreed it so. Maybe. We're guessing here.

A lawyer (SEE WE KNEW LAWYERS WERE ALREADY INVOLVED) for Cruise denies the exchange ever took place and says Tom has no political aspirations. "He does, however, hope to reform the Galactic Confederacy in honor of Lord Xenu," the attorney didn't add.

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