THIS JUST IN: 48-Year Old Walton Man Dies in Hamden Car Crash
The Delaware County Sheriff’s Office investigated a fatal one car motor vehicle accident Tuesday on State Highway 10 in the Town of Hamden. The operator identified as 48 year old Kelvin McKnight of Walton was transported to O’Connor Hospital in Delhi where he later died from the injuries sustained in the accident. A Passenger in the vehicle 23 year old James Spain of Walton was transported to Delaware Valley Hospital in Walton for evaluation and treatment. Deputies say Mcknight was traveling north on State Highway 10 in the Town of Hamden near the intersection of County Highway 26 when the vehicle veered to the left and drove off the highway where the vehicle then struck a tree. Deputies were assisted at the scene by both Delhi and Walton Fire Departments and EMS Squads. The accident remains under investigation.
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