A shoddy, bootleg version of the first official trailer for the highly anticipated film Suicide Squad leaked online after it was premiered at Comic Con this past weekend. And so, in an attempt to take back the narrative (or, really, just give the people what they want) Warner Brothers responded by releasing a high quality version of the clip after months of build-up.

In case you're unclear of Suicide Squad's basic plot, the trailer does a nice job of laying things out pretty succinctly. A slew of super-villains are forced to carry out a black-ops mission in exchange for clemency from the government. The trailer gives audiences their first look at the characters in motion, with Viola Davis as Amanda Waller, Cara Delevingne as Enchantress, Will Smith as Deadshot and Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, as particular cast highlights. The trailer saves its biggest reveal for last, with Jared Leto's maniacal Joker closing out the clip.

It should be noted that Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight has been widely lauded as one of the highlights of an already great film -- Ledger posthumously won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for the role. In other words, Leto has some enormous shoes to fill, but the trailer certainly looks promising, so we'll reserve judgment until we see the final product.

Suicide Squad doesn't hit theaters until August 5, 2016, which is, sadly, over a year away. In the meantime, you can check out the trailer above.

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