Ted Muehl and I were discussing the five second rule this morning.  You know, when you drop a piece of food on the floor, it is still good if you pick it up within five seconds.  Well, apparently it is not true.  Germs waste no time attaching to the fallen eats.  Clorox helped fund a study done by San Diego State University researchers in which baby carrots were used as an example.  Okay wait. To me that seems unfair.  Baby carrots are moist and my thinking says moist items would pick up germs faster than a dry item like a potato chip.  Okay, back to the results.

The baby carrots were dropped on counter tops and floors and guess what?  They picked up germs.  No real surprise.  I mean we all know that when something drops on the floor it gets dirty.  I think we just use the five second rule to make ourselves feel better about eating the dropped food.  What I was surprised to learn was that countertops turned out to be the dirtiest surface over carpet and tile floors.

Well then Ted and I started talking about countertops and food prep.  Soon the discussion of raw chicken came up and I thought I was going to vomit.  Ever since I was pregnant with my first child, raw chicken grosses me out.  Seeing it, touching it, no way.  I get very nauseous.  And for what ever reason, this morning just talking about made me queasy.   I seriously  got clammy and didn't know if I was going to make it through the conversation.  That has never happened to me on air before.  A quick commercial break and some fresh air brought me back.

So the lesson here is: don't eat food off the floor and keep raw chicken far away from me.  Thank you.


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