
In a Facebook message, the Oneonta Police department gives a reminder that warm weather can also bring a rise in crime.  Be vigilant!

"As the warmer weather finds its way into Oneonta, please remember that it comes with an increased tendency for crimes of opportunity to occur as vehicles, homes and other valuables may be left unsecured as we spend more time outdoors. Along with a reminder to close and lock your windows/doors, keep valuables hidden from sight and be sure to secure any easily moved home and lawn decorative items when you are not home. Officers from the Oneonta Police Department will conduct patrols of all residential neighborhoods to detect and deter criminal activity, and we will do our best to notify residents of any concerns that they may observe throughout the year. Please, if you see something suspicious, contact the police department at 607-432-1111 as soon as possible to let us know about it."

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