Some Otsego County Primary Voting Locations Moved
Your chance to vote in primary elections is coming right up on June 23 and because of COVID-19 guidelines, there are some Otsego County voting locations that have been changed according to Otsego County Board of Elections officials:
Note the following location changes for Democratic and Republican Primaries:
• Town of Middlefield polling place has move to the Middlefield Town
Hall, 3717 County Highway 35.
• Town of Worcester polling place has moved to the Worcester
Central School Bus Garage, 831 Hollenbeck Rd.
• ALL Town of Oneonta voters will go to the Oneonta Town Hall, 3966
State Highway 23.
Polling places will be open on June 23 from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm. Don't leave home without your mask because voters will be required to social distance and wear a face covering.
If you qualify for early voting, that will be held at the offices of the Otsego County Board of Elections, 140 County Highway 33W, Cooperstown on the following dates:
Saturday June 13th, 9AM-2PM
Sunday June 14th, 9AM-2PM
Monday June 15th, 9AM-5PM
Tuesday June 16th, 12PM-8PM
Wednesday June 17th, 9AM-5PM
Thursday June 18th, 12PM-8PM
Friday June 19th, 9AM-5PM
Saturday June 20th, 9AM-2PM
Sunday June 21st, 9AM-2PM
For those who need an absentee ballot, make sure you apply for that by June 16. For more information contact the Board of Elections at 607-547-4247 or visit
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