Part musical and part fairy tale, the animated short 'I Have Your Heart' was created by New York-based illustrator Molly Crabapple, international singing sensation Kim Boekbinder and Melbourne animator Jim Batt. (It was inspired by Kim's song 'The Organ Donor's Match.')

Created using stop motion animation akin to Tim Burton's 'The Nightmare Before Christmas,' puppets and paper dolls, this haunting film revolves around a young girl with a bad heart and the boy whose death will be able to save her life. The young girl's love for the boy whose heart still beats inside her chest proves that love does conquer all, and is a gentle reminder to us all to be thankful for what we have, which is great timing for Thanksgiving.

The whimsical ending will leave viewers guessing -- did she run off with a lookalike of the boy? Did she die? Did he somehow live, thanks to the magic in this fairy tale world? However, the beautiful imagery, haunting love story and fairy tale feel of the short will leave viewers wanting to watch it over and over again.

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