Humphrey’s Bistro announces a Charity Food Challenge
Humphrey’s Bistro in Oneonta is sponsoring a Charity Food Challenge from October 16th to November 11th. During this time they will donate $10 to a charity for every Humphrey’s Big Burger (1 pound) or Really Big Burger (2 pounds) purchased and consumed at the restaurant. A tally will be kept of who has eaten the most in a one hour sitting and the top two finalists will go head to head in competition over two Humphrey’s Top Dog Burgers, a five pound monster that has yet to be beaten.
The winner of the Top Dog Burger Challenge will determine the charity to which all the money collected will be donated and his/her name will be engraved on a plaque memorializing the event.
Those wishing to participate may do so on their own or be sponsored by a company or organization. A list of current board leaders will be on hand at the restaurant as well as on Humphrey’s FaceBook page.
Entry forms are available at Humphrey’s Bistro at 437 Main Street, Oneonta, NY.
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