GOG.com is having an end of the world sale! Spend all of that sweet cash now and get your game on, since you won't need money for the apocalypse anyway.

Whether you think it'll be the zombie plague , a meteor crashing into earth, the tectonic plates going haywire, or demons springing forth from the pits of a nether dimension that will destroy us, we can all agree that it'd be nice to have some downtime to play some games while we run for our lives. And what better way to load up on games than by downloading a whole mess of them from GOG.com, DRM-free and deeply-discounted?

GOG has more than 125 games on sale, up to 75%, so there's plenty of titles for players of all tastes. Some examples of the packs up for grabs are Might and Magic Madness bundle, which contains all 16 games for $25.89, or the Jumpin' Indie Action Bundle, which includes Capsized, La Mulana, Mutant Mudds, Snapshot, and Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams for $14.95.

Who knows? You might be able to make friends with a C.H.U.D or two by letting them play. The sale will only last for 24 hours, giving consumers just enough time to buy and play their new treasures before the end comes on Friday, the 21st.

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