Facebook Reactions Released
Lauren Pennino
Today, Facebook is officially launching a set of like button alternatives in which they’re calling “reactions.” These reactions let you react to posts on Facebook using emotions other than liking.
These newly added reactions are Facebook’s answer to thousands of requests for a “dislike” button. Several different company’s users asked for the dislike button that way they could engage with friends and coworkers when a comment or a post that was put up did not make sense. Mark Zuckerberg finally came through and comprised with these different reaction options.
The like will still remain in tact, but now you can choose from “Love,” “HaHa,” “Wow,” “Sad,” and “Angry.” These different reactions were globally released this morning.
Facebook will be keeping track of each reaction and the popularity of each, helping to update and change different reactions. During the product’s test phase, Facebook users picked the reaction “Love” more than any other reaction offered. Global events that are going in will influence shifts in the buttons’ use.