Here's a look at some notable birthdays being celebrated today:

Woody Allen
Age: 77
Occupation: Actor, Screenwriter and Director
Known For: Films like 'Annie Hall,' 'Hannah and Her Sisters' and 'Midnight in Paris,' winning three Oscars, and a long relationship with actress Mia Farrow that fell apart when Allen began a relationship with her adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn, to whom he's now been married for 14 years

Bette Midler
Age: 67
Occupation: Singer, Actress and Comedian
Known For: Being known as the Divine Miss M, roles in movies such as 'The Rose,' 'Ruthless People,' and 'Beaches,' hit singles like 'Wind Beneath My Wings,' and her raucously bawdy stage shows

Charlene Tilton
Age: 54
Occupation: Actress
Known For: Playing the blonde, trampy Lucy Ewing on the television series 'Dallas'

Carol Alt
Age: 52
Occupation: Model and Actress
Known For: Being an 80s supermodel who appeared on over 500 magazine covers including the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, being the face of ad campaigns for Diet Pepsi, Cover Girl Cosmetics and many others, and being the first model to produce her own posters and calendars

Sarah Silverman
Age: 42
Occupation: Actress and Comedian
Known For: Attracting attention while a writer and occasional performer on 'Saturday Night Live,' starring in and producing 'The Sarah Silverman Program,' and an act that mocks bigotry and stereotypes by having her comic character ironically endorse them

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