
Grill Day at the Oneonta Farmers Market [Audio]
Grill Day at the Oneonta Farmers Market [Audio]
Grill Day at the Oneonta Farmers Market [Audio]
Dana LaCroix of the Oneonta Farmers Market and Ed Lentz of Fox Falls Farm in New Lisbon joined us this morning to talk about Grill Day at the market.  The Oneonta Farmers market is rain or shine every Saturday in Muller Plaza, downtown Oneonta, N...
Summer Drinks- What Refreshes You? [Video]
Summer Drinks- What Refreshes You? [Video]
Summer Drinks- What Refreshes You? [Video]
Do you change your drink with the season?  I think it's common that ice coffee is more popular in the summer than hot coffee.  That shakes and floats are more refreshing in the hotter months drinks.  I find myself drinking more ice tea than ever, especially sun tea.  What is your summer drink? There are a bunch of great choices.
Pina Colada Day -Let’s Celebrate! [Video]
Pina Colada Day -Let’s Celebrate! [Video]
Pina Colada Day -Let’s Celebrate! [Video]
I have to admit, I have never made a Pina Colada.  It is one of those drinks that look so nice when you order it out with the fruit and flower accents that I figure why mess with it.  Oh that and I looks a little complicated.  I'd rather just pop a top...
Grillin’ and Chillin’ [Video]
Grillin’ and Chillin’ [Video]
Grillin’ and Chillin’ [Video]
Chef Bobby Flay makes grilling look so easy.  Every time I watch him on TV, I'm convinced that the grill is the only appliance you really need.  I watched him make pizzas on the grill, (grilled pizza...awesome) and I feel that I can not go on until I try it.   As the cover flies off the grill and the propane ignites, I will bravely approach the fiery beast and
Macaroon-the Honored Cookie of the Day
Macaroon-the Honored Cookie of the Day
Macaroon-the Honored Cookie of the Day
Food holidays usually catch my attention.  Today, May 31rst is National Macaroon Day.  My favorite type is the coconut macaroon.  I admit I have never made them but I have tasted quite a few.  Here's another confession
What’s Your Favorite Cookie? [POLL]
What’s Your Favorite Cookie? [POLL]
What’s Your Favorite Cookie? [POLL]
Today, April 30th is National Oatmeal cookie day.  There are several different varieties of this traditional cookie.  Probably the one that first comes to mind is Oatmeal Raisin.  That is a good one but it is not my favorite.  I pick oatmeal scotchies...
“The Real Cookbook” You Can Eat
“The Real Cookbook” You Can Eat
“The Real Cookbook” You Can Eat
Well here's a novel idea, an edible cookbook! Korefe, a German design agency has engineered a cookbook with pages made of pasta. Recipes in "The Real Cookbook" are embossed onto the page-sized pasta sheets. You can actually use the pages in the recipes ...