BREAKING NEWS: Man Dies From Burns Suffered in Delhi Explosion (UPDATED)
Updated (Saturday, May 16): Joseph Mueller, the 19-year old Delhi man whose minivan struck a propane tank outside of the Delhi American Legion causing an explosion and fire, has died. He died at Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse after suffering severe burns over much of his body.
Updated (Thursday May 14): The investigation continues into why a motor vehicle right around 8pm last night crashed into a propane tank and a utility pole behind the Delhi American legion causing an explosion. Authorities say the operator of the vehicle was taken to O'Connor Hospital and then airlifted to another facility for further care. Bingo in the main hall of the Legion was going on when the crash happened but everyone was evacuated safely. Bill Cairns 2nd Fire Chief for the Delhi Fire Department says the fire destroyed two sheds that stored athletic equipment and there's siding damage to the main legion facility. Delhi Firefighters were on the scene and Bloomville was called for mutual aid.
CNY News has received several unconfirmed reports from our listeners of a major fire and explosion which took place Wednesday night around 8:45 pm at the Delhi, NY American Legion. Several listeners have told us that the cause was a vehicle that apparently hit the propane tanks used by the Legion. Eyewitnesses have told us that several fire departments are currently on the scene and that a medical helicopter is on the way. One listener told us that the explosion could be heard in virtually every part of the village of Delhi.
We will have more details as they come in.