Bassett Cancer Screening Coach Coming to a Community Near You
The Bassett Medical Center Mobile Cancer Screening Coach will be making its way to different communities in the area for people who are uninsured or under-insured to receive certain cancer screenings for free. The mission, according to Bassett Healthcare Network is that "By bringing convenient screening services to populations in rural areas, Bassett Healthcare Network hopes to reduce the number of cancer deaths that occur every year." The Cancer Services Program provides breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screenings and diagnostic services at NO COST to women and men who meet eligibility requirements.
Bassett's mobile cancer screening coach visits towns in Otsego, Oneida, Delaware, Chenango, Madison, Herkimer, Schoharie, Fulton, and Montgomery counties and special stops can even be made (by arrangement) with community groups, businesses, and organizations interested in hosting a screening session.
Coming up on July 30, the mobile coach will be in Unadilla at the Unadilla Bishop Lot across from the Red Apple Convenience Store from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., then coming up on August 5, the mobile cancer screening coach will be in Morris from 9:00 a.m until 2:00 p.m. at the Fire Department on E. Main Street. Women 40 and older can receive mammograms and pap tests at no cost. Men and women 50 and older can obtain a colorectal cancer screening kit for free at the event. For more information on either event, call the Cancer Services Program at 1-888-345-0225.
Get the schedule for upcoming community stops on the Cancer Services Program of the Central Region facebook page.
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