
Old Man Impresses the Ladies [Video]
Old Man Impresses the Ladies [Video]
Old Man Impresses the Ladies [Video]
This is just funny.  Every morning when I get to work, I check my email and facebook messages.  Every once in a while I get something that I have to share.  A couple of the ladies' reactions are priceless.  And the old man...I think I saw him at the stop light the other day (ha, ha)...
It’s A Blast From The Past Baby Boomer Trivia Question!
It’s A Blast From The Past Baby Boomer Trivia Question!
It’s A Blast From The Past Baby Boomer Trivia Question! You know you are a Baby Boomer if you can identify this guy. He was the host for many years of TV's #1 quiz show.  He was also the very first radio announcer to ever say these words on the air:  "Winston tastes good, like a cigarette should...
Kids Say the Darndest Things [Video]
Kids Say the Darndest Things [Video]
Kids Say the Darndest Things [Video]
I was on vacation yesterday doing my most favorite thing...hanging out with my kids.  We had a pretty busy day of events but the part I enjoyed the most was sitting around the table chatting and being creative.  My daughter had received a friendship bracelet kit for her birthday so we took an attempt at it.  This is the part of the story where I  learned something about myself.