Yuna has won in the fight against Yuffie, proving that she's the best Final Fantasy girl with a "Y" name. But now she goes up against the sword-fighting, party-healing, big dress-wearing Estelle from Tales of Vesperia.

Myrionette's Yuna is the singing summoner with looks that can make even the most hardened Tonberry's heartbeat quicken. She's won one round of the Clash, but she'll need to dig out six more victories in order to become the second inductee to the Arcade Sushi Cosplay Hall of Fame.

Yamane's Estelle is looking to take the win away from Yuna, bringing an old rivalry between the Final Fantasy and Tales series to the cosplaying forefront. Will this princess with the bubblegum hair defeat the legendary summoner?

It’s up to you to decide who will win this Cosplay Clash between these two Japanese role-playing game heroines! Voting closes on May 4th 10AM PST.

Rules of Cosplay Clash:

Fans can vote once per hour for their favorite cosplayer. If a cosplayer remains the reigning champ for seven straight matches, they are retired to the Arcade Sushi Cosplay Hall of Fame. With so many great cosplayers out there, we have to give other cosplayers a chance.

Jack Liu
Midnight Lullaby

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