Well, if party fouls weren't enough of a danger to your newly upholstered loveseat, Years & Years have confirmed there's new threat to your furniture: aliens, bro. Aliens.

The three-piece electronica group, whose debut album Communion hits stores next month, have just released a video for their summery single "Shine," which follows an alternate E.T. ending in which the beloved otherworldly being falls off his bike and decides to mitigate his rage by breaking your refrigerator, spilling groceries toward the kitchen's limits and tearing through your pad's drywall like a bulldozer. HOPE THE ROOMBA'S CHARGED AND READY TO GO.

At the video's onset, frontman Olly Alexander's quietly daydreaming on his bed, when his thoughtful musings are suddenly interrupted by the blinding lights of an attempted abduction. Soon, his whole house is illuminated with dueling reds, yellows and blues that underscore small-scale explosions like a life-sized game of Simon. Not content with cowering under his sheets and waiting for the storm to blow over, Alexander finally escapes to the front yard so that he can scope out the laser-light show for himself.

"It's shaking the sky, and I'm following lightning/I'll recover if you keep me alive," he croons as he stares up at the cosmos above. Let's just come out and say it: This is about as strange as a party gets, and we've received repeated invites to summer barbecues at Mickey Rourke's Sex Grill.

"Shine" caught your eye? Share your thoughts on the clip's blinding light display below.

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