Woman Uses ‘Ugly’ Tinder Pics to Surprise Her Dates IRL
Everyone has a different technique when it comes to finding "The One."
In our increasingly digital world, dating apps have become the new norm to scope out local hotties in your neighborhood. While most dating app users try to put their best face forward with sexy selfies and flattering photos, one woman is using a more unique tactic to find suitors.
TikTok star Shanel (@shanelowhateva) has taken to Tinder to find the perfect date, but on her own terms: She is only uploading "ugly" photos of herself — her words, not ours — in the hope that if she does meet up with someone IRL, they'll be taken aback by how beautiful she is in person.
Shanel shared her technique with her TikTok followers in a clip that has since gone viral with 6.2 million views to date.
Watch the video below:
"Making myself an 'ugly' Tinder so when I go on dates the guys will be pleasantly surprised," Shanel captioned the clip.
Many of Shanel's followers have praised her for the brilliant dating hack.
"This is good tech to find men who want personality tbh," one user commented, while another chimed in: "Girl…… you make a good point though. Changing mine as we speak."
Another user claimed she used to employ a similar technique for the very same reason: "I used to always make sure I never put the best pics of myself on there so they wouldn’t be disappointed when they met me."
Unfortunately, perhaps confirming our worst fears about the world of modern dating, Shanel didn't get any matches at first.
Then, she shared an update that she finally met up with someone who even commented that she looked much better in person. Although Shanel didn't feel the spark on the date, she told her followers she could see herself as friends with the guy.
Her followers also commented on how kind the guy seemed — even though he didn't want his face recorded.
"Aww he seems so sweet. You guys can be great friends thou!" someone commented, while another wrote: "Stay friends with him ... he seems so chill."
Is Shanel's dating technique brilliant or cringe-worthy? Tell us on Twitter @PopCrush!
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