The new issue of Vanity Fair provides insight into Whitney Houston‘s final days through quotes from some of the folks who spent time with the singer before she was found dead on Feb. 11.

Tiffanie Dixon, Houston’s hairdresser, told the magazine about her the last time she saw her client. “The last thing I remember her saying was ‘I just want to love and be loved. I want to love like Jesus did. Unconditionally.’” Dixon was with Houston and Ray J at Tru nightclub, where Houston was seen looking disheveled two days before she died.

Dixon said they went back to the singer’s hotel room, where Whitney wanted to read the Bible. “Her glasses were broken, but she read by holding the little single lens. She had marked pages — Exodus, Mark, and Matthew.”

Karrine Steffans, Bobby Brown’s former girlfriend, told his side of the story, saying, “Bob’s big thing was everyone blamed him for her downfall, but when he met her she was already using drugs. He always felt very angry about that.” That supports what Brown told ‘Today’ when he said, “I’m not the reason she’s gone.”

Salim Akil, director of ‘Sparkle,’ the upcoming film in which Houston stars, said that fans will appreciate her role in the movie. “Nobody is going to be able to say anything more profound than what Whitney says herself on that screen. There’s a line in the movie where she says, ‘Hasn’t my life been enough of a cautionary tale?’ All the questions that you ask people as you do this story, I feel she answers in this movie.… The answer is: ‘All the good things, all the beautiful things that you ever thought about me are true.’ Her performance is consistent with the gifts that she gave us consistently.”

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