Where to Turn When Your Financial World Gets Clobbered
If you are one of millions of Americans who have watched your financial world disintegrating over the past couple of weeks you may well have a knot in your stomach as large as an NCAA regulation size basketball. For almost anyone who has a 401K, IRA or other savings or investments this has been a terrifying stretch.

Do you move out of your investment funds or stocks or have you "stayed the course" Coming up tomorrow (Thursday) morning we will search for answers and advice when our special guest will be Gerri Harrison from Planning With Purpose on Riverside Drive in Johnson City. Gerri is a Certified Financial Planner who can help guide us through the rough financial seas we are suffering through. She will talk with us about ways to survive the tough financial times.
Be sure and listen Thursday morning at 8:20 for guidance and how to deal with the stress of your financial future, Listen to News Radio 1290 WNBF, online at wnbf.com or with our free WNBF Mobile App powered by the Stanley Law Offices.
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