If you're like me, you cringe when the dreaded question, "What's for dinner, Mom?" comes around each day. That's because I have 2 picky eaters in my house and what one likes, the other hates. They have only two or three things that they both like and I'm pretty sure those items have sugar in them.

Is this something to get stressed about? The experts say that parents shouldn't necessarily worry because for children, especially early on in their development, this a normal part of being a kid.  That of course doesn't mean parents aren't frustrated by their picky eater kids.

My husband and I sure mulled over a considerable number of strategies after doing some research and tried them all without success so here's how we've been handling it in our house.  If our kids don't like what we're serving for dinner, there are other healthy and quick choices which they must prepare themselves. After all, we don't want to make it easy for them to not try new things and yet we still want them to get the nutrition they need.  It's a compromise that we've all been able to live with.




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