Nostalgic Movie Tradition Lives On With New Unadilla Drive-In Owners
Many area residents have been wondering if one of the last remaining drive-ins in New York State, The Unadilla Drive-in will be reopening this May since it was announced early in March that the outdoor movie theater was going up for sale by the Wilson family. Their last season as owners and operators of this nostalgic entertainment venue was last summer as it closed at the end of August 2021.
Everyone who has enjoyed seeing movies at the Unadilla Drive-in of course wants to know if it will be reopening this summer and the answer is "yes"! Fortunately, The Wilsons were able to sell the business to Jason and Julie Miller. The following announcement was made on the Unadilla Drive-in Facebook page on April 18...
Following that announcement were a number of positive comments on the drive-in's Facebook page with people sharing congratulations to the new owners along with comments expressing how happy they were about the coming reopening.
I think the Wilson family did a great job during the pandemic offering more variety than ever before to area residents and getting creative with keeping it open by doing some things never been done before at that venue: like holding high school graduations; holding a car, truck, and motorcycle show and flea market event; and showing live concerts on the big screen of major music artists like Toby Keith with Alabama, Florida Georgia Line, Nelly, Chase Rice, and others. They certainly worked hard to bring the community what it wanted and needed. We wish the Wilson family all the best and a hearty "welcome" to the Millers - the new owners.

The last time the drive-in was updated was sometime in the 2010s with a new screen, a digital projector system, a renovated snack bar, and bathrooms. We'll see if the Millers make any changes to the drive-in as they settle in. I'm just glad this wonderful venue of fun that I have enjoyed as a kid and as an adult will live on in our area!
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