Tony Soprano’s House Is Up For Sale
Want to own Tony Soprano’s house? Now you can. All you need is a couple million dollars and a willingness to live in New Jersey.
The New York Times reports that the house used as the exterior of the Soprano’s abode on The Sopranos, as well as the inspiration for its interiors (the show shot the pilot inside the house, then recreated it exactly on a soundstage for the remainder of the series) is now on the market. The home on the little hill in North Caldwell, New Jersey — just about 30 minutes from the Lincoln Tunnel, should you want to recreate that famous drive — will cost you at least the $3.4 million asking price. It’s a four bedroom, four bathroom house, with a two-car garage and a guest house.
The home is owned by Patti and Victor Recchia, who’ve lived there for 32 years. They’re moving out because, with their family grown, they don’t need that much space. They might also be sick of tourist looking to snap pictures of the home, a fairly regular occurrence. From The Times:
‘I was pulling out of the driveway and I noticed a few fellas on their motorcycles coming down the cul-de-sac,’ said Ms. Recchia, about a recent interaction. ‘So I open my car window just to acknowledge them, and they say, ‘Hi, Mrs. Soprano! We’re not going to mess anything up, just want to take a couple photos.’’
Most houses in the neighborhood go for more like $1-2 million. But can you recreate one of the times Tony went out to the end of his driveway and picked up his daily Star-Ledger in his robe? No. No you cannot.
In fact, why don’t we do this? Let’s start a GoFundMe. We put in money. We buy the house. And then we create a sequel series. We can do that, right? Maybe technically that’s not a strictly legal thing. But hey, when did that ever stop Tony Soprano?
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