Things to Do at Home That Don’t Involve a Screen
While most of us are home, we may be hard up on what to do to occupy our time now that most places are closed and we're being encouraged to stay inside. Right now you're probably binge watching some shows and movies, but eventually you're going to get bored and need something else to do. So here are some things to do at home that don't involve a screen.
- Play a board game or work on a puzzle as both activities are known for challenge your brain and improve your memory. Games and puzzles can take up an entire afternoon with your partner or child and keep you both entertained for a long while.
- Take a bubble bath and give yourself a facial because these are stressful times we're living in and self-care is so, so important right now. You might be worrying about your job or your health, but you need to put yourself first and take care of yourself and your mental health.
- Try out a new recipe with whatever it is that you have in your cabinets and pantry. It's hard to get things at the grocery store right now, so get creative! See what you can make with what you have at home, it might surprise you!
Those of us at home are all a little stir-crazy right now, so try your best to remain busy and focus on staying healthy, happy and entertained.
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