Ever tell a lie, a fib, or a whopper?  Chances are your body language will give you away.  There are four telltale signs that someone is lying that are easy to detect.  Northeastern University in Boston research concludes that not only are there four actions that prove deception but that when used together are a sure indicator that a person is lying.

Even though it may seem easier to lie, body language expert and author, Carol Kinsey Goman, reveals the mind has to work much harder to lie than to tell the truth.  The energy to come up with the lie, the anxiety to recall the details, and the risk of being caught are all energy drainers.  Her are the four telltale signs someone is lying:

Hand Position

Clasped hands express that the person is trying to hold something or that they don't want to reveal too much.  Those who speak while their palms are exposed are thought to be genuine.  Hands up show openness and honesty.


Be aware of where a person is touching when they talk.  The anxiety of a lie causes the blood to rush to the nose and cheeks, inflaming the tissue.  One is compelled to touch the area revealing that they are lying.  Mean while, if someone places their hand on their heart or chest, it is a strong sign of sincerity.

Arm Position

Folded arms or crossed arms means someone's defense is up.  They are guarded and are creating a barrier between the two of you.  Open arms reveal a more relaxed person with nothing to hide.

Body Position

If a person leans back or turns their body away, it is a sign of discomfort.  A sign that they want to get away from the situation.  Those who lean in or turn towards you show interest and don't need to get away.

Next time you suspect someone isn't being honest with you, refer to these tips to help determine the truth.

Watch this video of a very convincing little liar even though the proof is all over his face:


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