"The Ultimate Playlist of Noise" follows a high school senior who goes on a road trip after he learns he must undergo brain surgery that will leave him deaf.
What's that thing that you feel like you didn't fully appreciate until you weren't able to do it? Strangely, the first thing that comes to my mind is unlimited chips and salsa.
by Cynthia Keever
Mona Lisa Smile
In this dramatic woman's right movie starring Julia Roberts and Kirsten Dunst, Katherine Watson, a 30-year-old grad student in the department of art history, takes a job as the Art History teacher at the all-girls college of Wellesley in Massachusetts
The massive success of the ‘Despicable Me’ films have created a monster. Monsters, actually. Well, cute, yellow, strange little monsters that countless children (and some adults) all over the world have fallen in love with. Yeah, ‘Minions’ is going to be huge and it’s all going to be thanks to those little guys. However, the presence of a major star like Sandra Bullock can’t hurt and Universal has released the first images of her supervillain character, Scarlet Overkill.
Too many movies are coming out this year, and with the constant improvement of entertainment technology, they all look big, expensive, end really good. But you be the judge. Here's what's coming soon!
It is that time of year when offices all over are having their year end, holiday parties. We had ours this past Saturday at Stella Lunas. We've actually had such fun that we've been celebrating there for years. This year Big Chuck had a contest for each couple to participate in.
Chris Dapkins, a graduate of Delhi Central School, will present "The Swell Season" this Saturday May 12, 8pm, at the Walton Theatre. Chris co-directed and photographed this new documentary and was in the studio this morning to share more about it...