The first animal that approaches the camera is a darker Grey Wolf, which gives it a sniff and a lick, and then moves on. The second grey, which enters into the picture at the three-minute mark, actually tries to devour the entire camera.
I can't believe I never saw this commercial before! It is not new but it is classic. Billy Crystal dressed as a turkey and Robert De Niro in pilgrim!
Sometimes you just need to watch something so simple that all you do is smile. Is it stupid, yes. Is it different, yes. Is it funny, I think so.
Really, just watch, and smile.
It's the most relatable Disney's Frozen parody out there. Watch a woman ask her fellow students, "Do you wanna go to Starbucks?" while we take our coffee break.
We came across this funny cartoon that muses what would happen if wild animals ate fast food.
Obviously, we know what happens to adults -- we get fatter... and fatter... and fatter.