How to know someone is a fitness fanatic: a foot of snow falls, trees blow over, power lines fall down, and someone asks, "do you think the gym is open?"
Families are going on “Bear Hunts” with the help of their neighbors and community businesses for exercise and a diversion during coronavirus restrictions.
How to START & KEEP your New Year resolution!!
By Nick Sorrenti
To begin, I think it's safe to say that after all of the end of the year holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, we all try to make a New Years resolution to lose those extra pounds and begin having a healthier type of lifestyle. Ho...
Ladies! This may be all the incentive you need to get on that treadmill, bike, or elliptical. I know I'm going to see what happens on mine when I get home. Why didn't anyone think of this earlier?
Smokers who have tried to quit in the past using patches, gum, voodoo witchdoctor magic and other addiction propaganda may just want to step outside for a run the next time they feel the need to smoke,.